
English vocab: invade/evade

The words ‘invade’ and ‘evade’ can be confusing for some students. Today, we will look at their definitions. 

invade evade


To ‘invade’ means to go inside something or somewhere without permission. ‘Invading’ is usually done so something or someone can take over the thing or place they have ‘invaded’. For this reason, ‘invade’ never means anything nice or friendly. It is also quite a serious term, so we usually use it to describe something serious happening. 

– Japan invaded China during WWII and committed many atrocities against the civilians. 

– After violent clashes with the police, the armed protesters invaded the parliament building. 

– Political conflict, such as the threat of invasion from another country, usually leads governments to consider whether military funding should be increased. 


To ‘evade’ something means to avoid something by doing something smart or strategic. We normally ‘evade’ things or groups of people instead of a single person. Both things and people can ‘evade’ something. It is a fairly neutral term that can be used in many contexts. 

– John refuses to face reality by continually evading Peter’s questions about the future.

– Julian Assange has evaded arrest by staying inside the Ecuadorian embassy. 

– Ahmad evaded the Al Qaeda by avoiding all contact with people and only traveling at night. 

I hope that was helpful! 




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